Poet Zero

Nyarae Francis speaks on community, inequality, the joys of life, family and the black experience through the eyes of a young woman finding healing and growth through poetry. Nyarae is a member of the Brave New Voices international youth poetry slam team 2020 and has quickly risen to having her work featured at Black Lives Matter rallies, SoCal Public Broadcast networks, and read on stage by Julia Roberts at a nationally broadcast Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee event in June 2020.

Nyarae Francis Is Actor/Film director she takes class at the Waco theater where she has Directed short films coving the topic of Abuse, Teen Pregnancy, and a pizza delivery man. She has taken apart of the New York Film Academy summer program where wrote,directed, and stared in her silent short film about racial profiling.

Nyarae know first hand the feeling of being treated different because of who she is so she fights for her and others who's voices are not heard. She has worked with Student Deserve on end Radom searches in school by Marching, Organizing and Preforming poems in front of the school bored about her Experience of being black on a campus with police. She believes that her voice is powerful enough to make a change